Strelecká zóna - Junior 38,3 m2

Strelecká zóna - Junior 38,3 m2

Silná vôľa a poctivá drina s tréningovými pomôckami. Tak sa rodia hokejové legendy. Bez cviku nie je šampióna a preto je potrebný pravidelný tréning s použitím hokejových pomôcok. Hokejisti vďaka dostupnosti kvalitných tréningových pomôcok na hokej môžu dnes trénovať aj v domácom prostredí. Strelecká zóna – Junior je základná konfigurácia pre deti a začínajúcich hokejistov. Umožňuje zlepšovanie individuálnych herných činností ako je korčuľovanie, miešanie, kľučky a streľbu. Rozvoj týchto zručnosti v domácom prostredí patrí medzi základné piliere správneho napredovania hokejistu. Táto zóna je primárne určená pre deti od 4 – 12 rokov. Doprava podľa dohody.

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$15 575.00 (USD) plus TAX





Synthetic ice - 10x1170x1170mm


FunIce – perfect artificial ice with sliding properties close to natural ice.



Mini-board is perfect for children

Hokejová bránka


Hockey goals come with a net of the main official IIHF size (183 cm x 122 cm). However, to save space, they are narrowed from 81 cm to 54 cm, which does not affect stability in any way. They are made of durable steel and have a powder coat

Tootor Shooter


Training equipment designed to train accuracy and shots. The durable canvas material has five holes. Large holes in the corners of the goal and a small one between the imaginary legs of the goalkeeper.



Passmaster is a comprehensive hockey training equipment for practicing passes, stick handling and allows you to perform classic shots as well as one-timer shots. When training with this equipment, you don't need teammates.



Equipment designed to train stick handling, which will significantly improve your speed, timing, eye-hand coordination, accuracy and consistency with the puck with your head up. It's a perfect tool for off-ice training.

Attack triangel


Attack triangle is one of the best training tools for developing stick handling skills. It makes the player think about the game situation when he has to push the puck between the opponent's skates as quickly as possible and break into the zone in front

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